
Rhonda Marinkovic: Top Ten Things That Make Me Smile

1.  Hugs from the kids

2.  When my husband makes me a latte

3.  The smell of clean, warm laundry

4.  Walking in the forest

5.  Looking for little shells and sea glass on the beach

6.  Making cookies for family and friends

7.  Planning a trip

8.  Seeing the kids' reaction to learning that it is a snow day, no school!

9.  Antiquing with friends and finding a deal

10.  The Still Small Voice reminding me of His Love

Rhonda Marinkovic is a wife and mother happily living in the Pacific Northwest with her family.


Happiness Is Something You Decide Ahead Of Time

While out on Facebook the other day, I came across this on Tatia Smoot Meyers' wall and just had to share it:

Photo: Molly Alexander

I love this story. It reminds me of Abraham Lincoln's quote:
 "Most Folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

"A 92-year old, poised and proud lady, who was known for being fully dressed each morning by eight o-clock - including her hair fashionably coifed and her make-up perfectly applied - even though she was legally blind - moved to a nursing home. Her husband of 70 years had recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready.

As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I had the opportunity to provide her with a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet curtains that had been hung on her window.

"I love it," she stated, with the enthusiasm of an eight year old having just received a new puppy.

"But Mrs. Jones, you haven't even seen the room yet."

"That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. 


Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged -- it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it . . . 

It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up."

Now, I know I needed to hear that today - how about you?


Molly Alexander: Advanced Citizenship

One of my favorite movies is "The American President" with Michael Douglas and Annette Benning.  I love the romance of it.  I can't help it.  

One of my very favorite parts in this movie, however, comes when Michael Douglas' character, President Andrew Shepherd, gives a speech in a press conference that absolutely nails down the very essence of living in this great nation of ours:

"America isn’t easy.  America is advanced citizenship – you’ve gotta want it bad.  Cause it’s going to put up a fight.  It’s going to say, 'You want free speech?  Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage, advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.  You want to claim this land is the land of the free?  Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag.  The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest.'
Now show me that.  Defend that.  Celebrate that in your classrooms.  Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free."

Now, as an American citizen, I tend to lean to the conservative side in most issues and President Andrew Shepherd is definitely a liberal.  My point is:  that's awesome!  What a privilege it is to live where I can express my political, personal, religious and any other kind of view, and it is not only permitted, but is my right as a citizen!

I'm not out to make a political hoopla with this post.  It is really easy to get fed up with and forget to respect this group of people or that group of people, and I just wanted to issue this gentle reminder:  we live in the greatest country on this earth, and I have to say that I am unbelievably grateful for that.  

I'm grateful and proud to be called an American.


Cat Kerr: The Builder

Since he was about two, he loved puzzles.  From a 10 pc. puzzle he moved on to a 25pc,to 100 pc and now enjoys 300pc. He also has a love for Lego sets and now a new Joy, three dimensional puzzles.

This little guy has a way of putting these things together. He could sit for hours, only moving when the belly rumbles, but quickly getting back to the task at hand after a snack. He would examine and turn, each and every piece, in a quiet and beautiful way and sometimes, I just sit and quietly stare at him from the other room as to not disturb the builders flow.

When at last the moment of completion has come, he calls to me, and I praise his work and diligence. He stands with pride and quickly rushes off to sort out a space in his room to display his work.

My little man is a builder. Piece by piece, block by block, he assembles and creates….and every day, without even knowing it, He builds, and ties, and forge’s the fibers of my heart.
You can learn more about Cat on her blog, In The Light Of The Moon


Patty Gasparino: Lost and Found

I spent much of the holiday break catching up and trying to start the New Year organized. My husband helped me with the Christmas ornaments and I figured since most of them were out of the attic I would do some organizing. I dove into some boxes I had put up there when we moved about five years ago!

Now before the boys were here I was a junker and antiquer. I love flea markets and garage sales. Once the boys arrived – well it’s a totally different way of life. Most days it seemed there was a goat and octopus loose somewhere in the house. When the twins came we didn’t have lamps or put pictures on the walls. One year the Christmas tree even stayed out on the front porch of our very tiny home and we looked at it through the window! Many things were given away – mostly for their own safety.


I am different too…..but some things are still the same. My love of things with a past – I didn’t grow up with family so things with a past appeal to me. I don’t have a Grandma to pass things down but I imagine the love and care it took to preserve some thing and I imagine they have been waiting for someone to find them.  I still love birds and items with an old fashioned charm!

Imagine my surprise at finding this sweet little music box I had thought long gone! It’s not expensive or particularly valuable but I just adore it! It reminds me of another time and for that I am grateful. It’s gracing my craft room now and puts a smile on my face every time I see it.

Do you have a small (or large?) memento that brings you right back to a time and place? ..... a picture of a stolen moment? ... a movie ticket from a first date?... a pair of baby shoes that make you smile? I am grateful to savor a memory I thought lost!

You can learn more about Patty on her blog, My Life Under The Bus


Heather Powers: Falling From The Sky

When I was a young mom I was in need of a new washing machine. I was telling my mom about this and said "I'll just pray about it and one will come my way." Her response was something along the lines of laughing and saying "Oh yeah right Heather, is one going to fall out of the sky?" I didn't know how one would come my way but I needed a new one and I knew my heavenly Father would provide. 

It wasn't long after our conversation when my mom called me and said, "Well, I guess a washing machine is going to fall out of the sky because we can't take ours when we move. You can have it. It's practically new." I was so thankful. 

We have known lean times and plenty, through it all we have always been given what we needed. Sometimes I forget this and my mom reminds me that washing machines fall out of the sky for me and all will be okay.

If you can bless someone today, do it. If you need something, pray. 

You may never be able to repay someone for their kindness, but when the time comes you can always pay it forward. I remind myself of this often and I am so thankful for both the gifts we have been given and those gifts we are able to share.
You can learn more about Heather at her blog Humblebeads


Erin Praiz-Hintz: Change Your Words, Change Your World

What message are you sending to the world? 

Words have power. But we take that for granted. We tend to throw our words around with out a thought as to the effect that they might have. The words we use all add up to create our own unique message. We communicate with our choice of words in our emails and letters, our phone conversations, and our interactions with family and friends. Have you thought about how your words are defining you?

We have all been on the wrong end of words. Certain words can beat us down. Sometimes a poor choice of words has sent the wrong message.

But what about being inspired by words? We have all felt the raising up when words are spoken with the intent to lift us. Do you consider whether your words inspire or deflate?

Some words wound. Some words heal. Some words create. Others destroy. Words can instill fear or inspire joy. The words you choose do make a difference.

Today, consider the message that you are putting forth in the world. We are so connected these days that even if we live thousands of miles apart it sometimes feels like we are brushing elbows with our interconnectedness on the web. I have seen so many times where words online, in emails, Facebook, Twitter and blogs are misconstrued, misunderstood. 

There are no bad words. Only poor choices of words. Today I encourage you to think about the words that you use to communicate and what message they say about you.


You can learn more about Erin on her blog, Treasures Found


Riki Schumacher: Thankful

Funny thing about age. It sneaks up on you. I’m hitting a milestone this year, another decade beginning. So why am I grateful about this? I am turning the same age my mom did when she had a major stroke. It had a lasting affect, losing mobility in her right side. The family started pointing fingers at each other, about how she was over worked, too much stress, her weight, yadda, yadda. Sad, but it woke all of us up about our health.

She struggled to come back from the stroke, with amazing patience and fortitude, daily doing her therapy. But she was never the same. Her speech was slurred, her right leg and arm very sluggish. The very saddest thing about her new physical state was that she was completely cut off from playing her sweet piano and her beautiful ceramics ever again. Here’s where the grateful part comes in for me. I am so grateful I was able to have her for another 12 years after the stroke. She never complained, was always in good humor, and continued to find a reason to display her newly crooked smile at us whenever we could visit her. 

I am grateful for each and everyday I have in a healthy state. Health is not something I take for granted. The brave, adorable woman I spoke of above, was my aunt. She adopted us when my birth mother died at age 36. She, and my uncle, were truly angels in our lives, there were three little girls that they rescued. My mother died from cancer, years after being deserted by my father, and just couldn't handle the stress of raising three little girls in the 60’s with little income.

But we all made it through those tough times. All sisters are now living full, loving and healthy lives, with wonderful husbands. We are all so grateful for the angels who rescued us, and for having our health. People say “if you have your health, you have everything”. I’m not sure that is entirely true, but I believe there is a lot of truth to it.

Best of health to each of you.
You can learn more about Riki Schumacher on her blog, Riki Jewelry


Chris Kerr: A Small Thing Really

The other day I set a can of salmon and a can opener out on the counter. Another chore grabbed my attention and I left it there while I ran off. 

 When I got back to it a few minutes later, the can was open! Magic? No, my thoughtful husband noticed and took care of it. 

 I’m so grateful for little acts of kindness! 

 Sweeter moments create loving days. Loving days create a life bursting with blessings. A life I wish for you all!

You can learn more about Chris Kerr on her blog, Chris Kerr Jewelry


Maire Dodd: Beginnings

there is always opportunity to begin anew - but there is something very profound about the turn of the calendar year... 

i worked on a project for the last 2 months of the year... a project that, unbeknownst to me, was reflective of the stirrings inside... that held treasured ideas from rumi... 


'we come spinning out of nothingness, 
scattering stars like dust.' 

for 2 years or so, my guiding word had been 'nascent' - coming into being... 

this project showed me that i had grown... by its design and word choice... 



'you were born with wings 
you are not meant for crawling, so don't. 
you have wings, 
learn to use them and fly.' 

this year, i travel with 'transcend' 

do you have a word or phrase for the year? does it help to move you forward?

you can learn more about Maire Dodd on her blog, maire dodd


Cat Kerr: Date Night

From Pinterest

It’s been some time since Hubby and I went out for date night. We normally meet up once a week for lunch, but now that Hannah is getting older I have slowly started to let her watch little man for a little bit at a time.
So hubby thought it would be nice to go out on Friday. 

“Ahhh…that sounds nice” I said… “Some adult time without interruption…Count me in.”

We went out to dinner and talked about this and that and this and that…

Then I received a text from Hannah…“Hey Mom, it’s ok to eat blah blah blah right?”
“Sure sweety,Love ya”.

Then we went to the movies and watched Sherlock Holmes and we sat and laughed and laughed…

Then I received a text from Hannah…“Hi mom….just wanted to let you know that I checked on this school site and blah blah blah…”  
“That’s nice dear…talk to you later, love ya”

Then the movie ended and hubby and I decided to grab some hot cocoa, and we held hands, smiled and laughed like school age kids…

Then I received this text… “Hey Mom, it’s getting late…what time are you planning on coming home? Ur curfew is a @ 10 you know! LOL”

Now Hubby and I start questioning the person that invented text messages…What where they thinking anyway?( :

Then came…  “Your going to be grounded Missy if you get home after 10!”
“OK Momma, I tell her smiling, we are on our way”

Hubby and I have agreed to have monthly date nights….as long as…
we leave plenty of prepared snacks…
disconnect the internet…
and we are home by ten...
You can learn more about Cat on her blog, In The Light Of The Moon


Jan Thomason: Do You Believe in Miracles? You Should!

I've driven up to Michigan from Texas.

For one very important reason.

I've come to snag my mom and take her back
to Texas to live with us on the ranch.

Every year she spends three months with us
but this year she's staying forever.

In October she was diagnosed with FULL BLOWN vascular dementia.
Long story short, she was actually sleep deprived.
Both have the same symptoms so it was an easy diagnosis to "mess up".

She is back to her old self albeit with some confusion.
But, she's done a 360 from October to now and I give God all of the credit.
He really outdid Himself on this "case".

Would you like all of the details and in-depth writing about how it 
affected me? Read the last three posts on my blog - too much information
for this post, but I would love it if you wanted to know the whole story.

Either way, God is great and God is good...........all of the time and
I love Him so, so much.


Who Are You Grateful For Today?

 Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; 
they are the charming gardeners 
who make our souls blossom.

- Marcel Proust

Who are 5 people you are grateful today?