
Heather Powers: Thankful For Wild Weeds

I'm so thankful for weeds.  Whether they are growing in my yard, poking through cracks in a bustling city or spread out in all their glory across a country field.  They offer such great inspiration in color and texture.  I find them completely beautiful.  And a great reminder to let nature have it's way once in a while.

Why are they weeds?  Whose to say which bloom is a flower and which a weed? 

This reminds me of my children and that I need to let them grow little a wild and free like weeds. I remind myself not to force them into a box of who I think they should be.  I remind myself to let them be who they will be and sprout up the way they were intended.  Don't prune away too much, let their natural beauty and joy shine through.

Of course I'm not talking about discipline or areas of morality. There I am a constant gardener.

I'm talking about giving them a break, not trying to control everything - let them make a few messes, questionable fashion choices, let them dive into a project even if it takes over the kitchen table.  Let them have questions about who they are and how they fit in the world and give them the space to figure out those answers as they go along.  

I remind myself to relax and enjoy those wild little things while I can.  Just like weeds and flowers they will be floating off into the world all too soon.  And I'm so thankful for every minute with them.

You can learn more about Heather at her blog Humblebeads


mairedodd said...

boy, is that the truth heather... how else for them to build some confidence and figure out what they like? messes can be cleaned up (we surely make enough of them)...
and i too, am a huge queen anne's lace fan... i never could understand how they decided what was a weed or a flower either...

TesoriTrovati said...

I just love the way you view the world, Miss Heather. Thank you for being my inspiration today!
Enjoy the day!