Mornings in my house are extra busy. A typical morning in my house involves getting five children off to school, breakfast for the rest of the children, then stopping feeding pumps, dressing children, and then finally getting my cup of morning coffee.
Everyone in my house knows that I need to have my morning coffee, including our amazing respite care provider. Coffee is the fuel besides my time with the Lord that keeps me going on the long days of being a busy mom.
I love the sound of my Keurig brewing a fresh cup of hot coffee that I know will help me start the day.
One of the things I’m thankful for right now is the beautiful mugs that my coffee is kept in. Each mug tells a story of either a place my family has been like my Memphis Starbucks mug:
A verse that means so much to me like my Jeremiah 29:11 one, my mug from my church:
And even one with all my family on it. This mug is one of my favorites as it has wonderful memories on it:
These mugs are reminders to me of how blessed I am. I am blessed that I have people to take care of, I am blessed to have a church to call home, I am blessed because well just because God says so.
It is also a reminder that God gives good gifts to His children as it says in James:
Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.James 1:17, NLT
So as you sip your morning coffee, tea, or whatever you are drinking, remember to count your blessings and that God is faithful.
I hope your day is abundantly blessed.
___________________________________You can read more about Shawnee on her blog, Blessed on the Bright Side